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If you are a blogger or you have ever thought about becoming one, you are in the right place!
If you want to earn money on your blog posts, you are in the right place.
If you are serious about turning your blog into a business, you are in the right place.
If you agree with any of the above statements, then this course will become your Go-To website!
What is included in this course?
  1. All about eBooks
  2. All about Coaching
  3. All about Creating Lists
  4. All about Creating Courses
  5. All about Affiliate Marketing
  6. All about How to Charge for Memberships
  7. All about Services you can Provide
  8. All about Products you can sell.
So Let's Dive in and Examine Each Module.
Module #1
eBooks are great to market on your blog. In this course you will learn all the steps you need in order to create your own eBook. Many resources are provided to help you choose a title, how to add content and how to choose a topic that is selling.
If you decide to write your own eBook, you will gain access to some of the Websites which provide Free Templates!
If you don't feel comfortable writing your own eBook, you will also get access to a great place where you can procure eBooks to Resell (either buy or some are free). They also have PLR (private label rights) eBooks that you can edit, put your name on them, and you will become the author. This is a fast and easy way to get you started.
Module # 2
Coaching is another way of earning money. Even though becoming a professional coach is difficult, you will be rewarded with the fact that you are motivating others.
You will be provided with some ideas on what you can teach that your subscribers need and will be happy to buy.
In this course you will receive suggestions on  how much to charge for coaching, and why you will want to charge more.
Module #3
Lists are a great item to sell on your blog. There is an endless array of the kinds of lists you can create.
In this course, you will be provided with many categories in which you can create lists that will be wanted and needed by your prospects. Ones that they will be eager to buy.
Also included will be places you can buy ready-made ones to resell.
Module #4
Courses are another great idea. There are many different courses you can create and you will receive many suggestions of what your subscribers are looking for.
According to Global Industry Analysts, Inc. the online education industry is poised to surpass $240 billion by 2021.
Once again, there is a list of several places where you can purchase courses, so you can get stared right away. You will also learn how to sell your course before ever creating it.
Module #5
Affiliate Marketing is just another easy way to earn money from your blog post, using other people's products or services, instead of your own!
You will have access to some suggestions on what kind of products and services available to you and where to find them
There is also a way you can pay a commission for folks to promote your business? It's a great way for you to automatically have many others working for you. This will also be covered in this course.
Module #6
Memberships are another way to earn money. You can charge for a membership, either monthly or yearly so your subscribers can continue to receive important information from you.
In this course you will learn how to set it up and how to promote it on your blog.


Module #7
Services are a welcomed solution to a business owner. There are many services you can provide and in this course you will receive a list of those which will be attractive to your subscribers.
Anything you can do that will save time for the busy professional, is well worth the cost, as this will free them up to do the more important tasks.
Module #8
Products are items you can sell on your blog which should compliment  the theme of your article. 
These will include both digital and physical products.
I will give you links to websites where you will be able to  acquire these great products.
Halloween Special!
Get all This for a mere $197
Now thru Oct. 31st
 (Limited Time Only).
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                      BONUS #1   (and this one is worth buying the whole course)
You are going to receive a list of 92 Websites that Pay Writers $50 and up to write for them!
Now as if this wasn't enough,
You will also get the following!
Bonus #2
100% Training Available Almost 24/7


You will be able to contact someone to help you either by email or by phone almost 24/7. You can ask them any questions or any concerns you might have along your road to SUCCESS.
Where else do you get this kind of service?
Bonus #3
Lifetime Access to
All Material
Don't have time to go through everything right away? Forgot or misplaced some material? No problem.
Email me what you are missing and I will email it to you ASAP. This training material is yours FOREVER once you say yes today!
Yes, Another Bonus #4...
I am also going to give you many great blogging tools and resources. Each one covers different aspects of blogging and/or making money online.
Yes, Another Bonus #5.....
To Help You Even More with Your Blog..
I am going to add my words course. I will provide you with a list of words (more than 300) that will evoke the most powerful emotions for grabbing and keeping your audience’s attention…
I will also include a list of words you should never use and a list of adequate substitutes.
And Yes, Another Bonus #6....
I am going to throw in my copy of "How to Be Successful at Email Marketing"....Remember, you want to retain all those who view your blogs, websites, articles, etc. and the only way to do this is through email marketing.
And Here is Bonus #7.......
I am also going to give you the ultimate list of Better Paid Blogging Gigs that have over $13,355  Jobs inside!
You will find a multitude of niches that are looking for bloggers and will pay  you $50 and up.
So If You are Serious about Blogging
and you Want to Earn Money, you need to
ask yourself THREE questions..
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you need to click on the Buy Button below! Get it now before the price goes up.....
Halloween Special!
Get all This for a mere $197
Now thru Oct. 31st
 (Limited Time Only)
See what others are saying:
Jennifer Perry-Adams
NEW BFF's "Great Friend Penney M."
​She is so awesome with her knowledge of how a "Web site & Blog" is suppose to work!! To me it is amazing that she copes with all of her Web-sites; and helping other "Dumb Twits" like me...LOL
(Penney I Love you for all that you have helped "me" with here on Wix)
Any and all upgrades added will become available to all who purchase this course!
Due to the fact that this course is priced so low and the amount of Bonuses included, at this time there is no refund policy available.

I also want to hear from you with more building tips and strategies. I know I can unsubscribe at anytime if I don't want them anymore.

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